Plumbing and house wiring

kalemba has a group of experienced workers who are punctual and naturally problem solvers due their creativeness and also do do prioritize safety hence providing high end quality work.

kalemba  are the leading plumbing company Uganda offering the best plumbing services, with our team of experienced and licensed plumbers are characterized by coordination skills.

Kalemba has been providing customers with best electrical service, electrical products and seasoned expertise in residential, commercial and industrial purposes in Kampala Uganda

Kalemba deals in water supply, fixing water pipe repair, water drainage services, waste breakages. we understand your plumbing needs like no other! due to existence friendly, qualified experts enabling us to have a solid reputation in the plumbing market. 


kalemba company provides a range of services to industrial and commercial clients in Uganda.

 We are a team of licensed and approved electricians in electrical installation in Kampala Uganda offering the best electrical services in the region